Our COFREND certified technicians carry out non-destructive testing services in France and worldwide, in all industrial sectors (inspection during the manufacturing phase or in-service monitoring of your equipment and systems).
- Visual or endoscopic inspections
- Penetrant testing (PT)
- Magnetic particle testing (MT)
- Thickness measurements and ultrasonic testing (manual UT or automated UT with a crawler robot)
- Control by detailed inspection (CID) on the natural gas systems of buses and heavy goods vehicles (VTGNV accreditation)
- Leak testing (LT)
Penetrant testing | Magnetic particle testing | Ultrasonic testing |
Thickness measurements by means of manual ultrasonic testing or with a magnetised robot (storage bins) |
Direct or indirect visual inspection | Visual inspection using a drone or robot (PILGRIM TECHNOLOGY) |
CID - Control by detailed inspection of natural gas buses and trucks (COFREND VTGNV-certified inspectors) |
Leak testing by tracer gas, with pressure variation |